Sunday, June 12, 2011

Traverse City, MI area scenes

We started our Tour de Traverse City at Nawbin Bead Store. After about 30 minutes of "browsing" Jan ended up with some Petosky Stones - this is old coral that has been compressed into rocks. When they are hand polished they exhibit some very colorful patterns.

Next stop, the vinyard tasting rooms around TC and there are plenty. We think the locals use this as a Saturday afternoon "sport". For $5.00 you visit the winery and get 5 different wines to taste and maybe even a cracker and some cheese and when you finish that off, you get into your car and head off to the next vineyard. Great fun.
We had been told about the guy that sells pasties ( pronounded pass - tees ) from a yellow wagon. He had recently relocated due to construction but we found him ( by luck ). His steak, potato and rutabaga and ???? was absolutely The Best. We'll hunt him down again and if you pass his shop you should and try one ( or two ). Bill's son goes to the US Coast Guard Academy and since our Cameron graduated from the US Merchant Marine Academy, ( rival schools ) we had something in common plus the desire to buy his product.
Driving back to the fairgrounds and our camper we spotted a large ( this is only one section ) herd of buffalo. We had to stop and get a photo.

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